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Who are we?

We are a group that share a passion for offsetting the impact of climate change. Therefore we have designed a compost bin that is appealing to children and families, to engage and encourage them to contribute towards the future of our planet in a fun way.

How does composting help to fight climate change?

Composting helps to protect our planet in a number of different ways. When food waste is composted instead of being sent to landfills it significantly reduces the amount of organic waste that decomposes to produce methane. Composting also reduces food and water waste by ensuring that the nutrients and energy contained within the food are recycled back into the ecosystem. 


As well as reducing waste, composting creates nutrient rich soil that can be used to promote sustainable agriculture as it enables farmers to reduce their reliance on fertilisers.


The final benefit of compost is the change in attitudes that it promotes; composting food waste raises awareness about the value of food and encourages communities to lead more sustainable lifestyles.

What is composting?

Composting is a natural process that involves the decomposition of organic materials, such as kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other biodegradable substances into a nutrient-rich soil called compost. It is a way of recycling organic waste and turning it into a valuable resource.


During the composting process, microorganisms like bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers break down the organic materials through a series of biological reactions. These microorganisms consume the carbon-rich materials and, in the presence of oxygen, convert them into simpler compounds. As a result, the organic matter decomposes and transforms into compost.


Composting can be done through various methods, including backyard composting, vermicomposting (using worms), and large-scale industrial composting. Regardless of the method, the basic principles involve creating the right conditions for decomposition, which include a balanced mix of organic waste, moisture, oxygen, and temperature.



We have conducted a survey to understand the impact of our compost bin design and the perception of composting among respondents. Here are the key findings:


Composting Adoption: An encouraging 40% of respondents currently compost at home, indicating a growing interest in sustainable waste management practices.


Encouraging Design: A remarkable 80% of respondents believed that our compost bin design would effectively encourage children to participate in composting. This demonstrates the positive influence of our visually appealing animal-shaped bins.


Originality: An overwhelming majority of 95% of respondents recognized the originality of our compost bin design, highlighting its uniqueness in the market.


Advocacy and Recommendation: A significant 76% of respondents expressed their willingness to recommend composting to others, emphasizing the positive impact they perceive it to have on the environment. Notably, none of the respondents expressed any negative sentiments towards recommending composting.


Benefits of Composting: An impressive 88% of respondents acknowledged that they have experienced benefits from composting, showcasing the positive outcomes associated with this sustainable practice.


Potential for Future Adoption: A promising 70% of respondents indicated their likelihood to take up composting in the future, signifying a potential growth in the number of composters.


Convenience as a Barrier: Among non-composters, a significant 92% expressed that they would consider composting if it were more convenient. This highlights the importance of providing accessible and user-friendly solutions to encourage broader adoption. *


These survey results affirm the positive impact of our compost bin design and the potential for widespread composting adoption. Join us on our mission to make composting more accessible and appealing to all, while nurturing a greener future for generations to come. 


*Results correct as of 15:08 07/06/2023, 84 respondents in total


View our full survey results by using this link:

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